Monday, January 17, 2011

WWW Week 3

Life's Journey with a Smile

I just really love this picture of me (i can see the weight loss in my face). I had just got home from a wedding (and out of heels YAY!!!).

1. What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?
I continued with eating smarter/healthier and drinking water.

2. Do you find that your motivation/mood changes in the winter? If so, what do you do to help/avoid it?
Yes I have with motivation in winter because of the earlier darkness. I try to get it done early.

3. Do you have any advice for your fellow challengers on staying on task/motivated?
Write it down. Your goals, dreams, plans everything!!! 

4. What day{s} of the week/month do you find it difficult to stay on task/motivated?
The weekends are hard, they kinda feel like a relaxation from everything including eating healthy and exercise. I need to work on that. And of course TOM during the month is hard.

5. Fun Question of the Week: If you were going on a road trip {longer than a day} who would you take with you? Where would you go?
I would take my cousin Melissa and we would go to the beach.



  1. Hi! I'm a new reader :) I just started my own weight loss journey and am so excited so see how many people out there are walking the same path!! Thanks for your encouraging post!

  2. I try to write everything down, but I'm really bad at it. It's still a work in progress!

    Can I go to the beach with you guys? I LOVE the beach!

  3. There is an award for you on my blog :)
