Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Couch to 5K Day ONE

Day 1 of Couch to 5K went very well. My husband went with me. He is also training for the 5K that I am planning to do. We are not sure if my husband is running the 5K with me or just supporting me in training and at the race. Speaking of the 5K I never did tell ya'll about it. It is the ZOOMA Women's Race Series. I am doing the one in Austin. It is a half marathon and 5K. I am very excited!!! And I can't wait to get my new running shoes soon. Asics or Brooks not sure yet! Any suggestions??? Oh yeah if you are thinking of starting the couch to 5k program make sure you use the podcast available on itunes. 


  1. Way to go! I persoanally am a HUGE Asics fan. I used to be only true to Nike and then a few years ago I did a little survey looking at the instructors at the gym as well as the most fit people in the gym, and the all had on Asics, so i went and bought a pair and i haven't tirned back. I am on my third pair now and soon I will get my forth!

  2. Thank you MissHaneefa! I can't do Nike I have super wide feet. I will probably go with the Asics since they are about $40 cheaper!
    I am very excited to have actually run a whole 8 minutes in that first workout... I haven't run in forever!
