Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tomorrow is a New Day!!

Hello Readers,

I have been having some problems with motivation. I was reading Skinnyhollies blog post earlier and it motivated me very much. Yesterday was supposed to be my start day and I procrastinated alot and the whole day went by with out a drop of exercise or thought on nutrition. Well I am excited to tell you that my new idea is, tomorrow is a new day and a new opportunity for success.
If you have a bad day just right it off and start anew the next day. That is my new plan, to take everyday as it comes and if I don't succeed I will start over the next day. I hope that you are inspired by this post. My new goal for this year is not a number of pounds or size. My new goal is to run a 5k by the end of this year.

1 comment:

  1. When I first started...my goal was to walk everyday for a month and cap my calories at 1800..it was simple and it worked.
    I eat around 1500 to 1600 calories now...(not this month though) It takes off the weight slowly but surely.
    You can't do anything about yesterday, but tomorrow is a new day.
    Good philosophy and good luck on your journey.
