Wednesday, April 11, 2012

56 Days

I have decided to start posting my daily weigh ins on my blog. 
Today I weighed in at 241 lbs. Down 5lbs since Sunday. This makes me so happy. I have been getting my water in and eating a little better. I am having issues with breakfast this week.
I am not interested in any breakfast foods at all. I'm not the biggest fan of eggs at all and my normal breakfast of sugary cereals and high calorie pastries is not going to help me lose any weight. Any breakfast solution suggestions? 
November 11th 2012, San Antonio Rock N Roll half Marathon.
I am running it this year.


  1. I know you said you aren't a big fan of eggs but... I eat two hard boiled eggs for breakfast every day. They are easy,filling, full of protein, and low calorie. Some times I think, Ugh! Eggs again? But I just ignore that and eat them.

    Sorry not much help.

  2. I like greek yogurt and fresh fruit for breakfast. If you don't like breakfast foods, just have non-breakfast foods! :) There's nothing wrong with a sandwich for breakfast, as long as it works out with your plan calorie wise!
