Thursday, June 30, 2011

Been busy this week!

This week has been a busy one. Tuesday and Wednesday I helped our friends move out of their apartment. I know I had good calorie burns for both of those days because of how much I moved around, walked up and down stairs, and lifted very heavy boxes and things. 
I have been very sore both days and I expect to be sore tomorrow.
Tomorrow I am planning on doing a DVD of some sort, probably the full 30 minutes of 
Boot Camp Bikini Body. I don't want to waste the muscle soreness that I am feeling right now. I want to use it to my advantage because as most repeat weight loss offenders know the first workouts are the worst soreness. It's gets easier as time goes on and the body gets stronger. I just need to put this full body soreness to use. I am looking forward to my weigh in this Sunday.
I have been getting in good amounts of water, not as much as I'm supposed to but more than I was because of how much I have been in the heat lately with helping our friends move. Today I know I got in at least 2 liters so that's good. I am really looking forward to re-starting eating at home more often. Anyway super excited only 14 more days until VACATION!!!


  1. How is Boot Camp Bikini Body? My wife was looking in to that awhile ago to mix things up from her Tae Bo DVD. Moving is definitely a way to go if you want to burn some calories. Water is also great so you don't get those empty calories. Please check out my site as well and congrats on the 100th post!

    Waist, Hips, and Thighs

  2. Way to go! I am sure that you are going to have a wicked weight in on Sunday!
