Sunday, December 2, 2012

ER Visit Anyone???

Thank you all so much for your lovely comments on my last post. I am so happy to have such encouraging people reading and commenting on my blog.
As I mentioned in the previous post I was quitting soda. I have been a week without soda and it's been great. I had a horrible headache Tuesday and Wednesday but I got over the 3 day hump and all is well.
To explain the title of today's post.  I woke up Monday morning with dull low back pain on the left side of my back. This pain kept up through out the week. I only made it to work for 5 and half hours on Tuesday I couldn't keep comfortable in any position, sitting, standing or laying down it didn't matter I just uncomfortable and hurting. The pain wasn't excruciating it was just there, annoyingly so. Finally on Friday after calling in to work for the 3rd time in a week I took the trip to the emergency room. Well after 12 hours there, they found a 6cm cyst on my left ovary. I was prescribed pain meds and told to follow up with my gynecologist to resolve the issue. The ER doctors are only concerned if the cyst twist since it's so big it does run the risk of that. I am being careful with what I do for exercise since I don't want to cause it to twist. The Dr at the er told me that if it does twist I will know because the pain will be excruciating. I won't have to wonder if maybe that was what he was talking about. 
This week went well with the no soda thing and I am so happy to finally be off them for good. I have absolutely no intentions of returning to drinking them. I know they were/are bad for me. Also, I now know that caffeine is a natural pain killer and it makes me wonder if I had stopped drinking all the damn soda sooner would I have been able to catch the cyst at 2 or 3 cm instead of 6? 
Skinny Snowman Challenge update:
My first weeks points total: 130 of 450 possible points. 
I am really enjoying the challenge, I love the points system and the charts. 
This morning I woke up to a 5lb loss! I am shocked at this considering they gave me an IV bag of fluids at the ER and I got my monthly gift yesterday. Those sodas sure do wreak havoc on everything! I know I could have dropped more pounds this week if I had been able to do the walking or any form of exercise. 
December Goals:
1. Follow up with dr about the cyst to resolve it.
2. Walk 30 minutes Daily
3. Continue No Soda 
4. Incorporate Meatless Mondays 
5. Lose 15lbs (I've already lost 5 and I want to actually lose 10 in the month of Dec)
Thanks for reading!
p.s. i found out i like cantaloupe!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the big loss this week!
    Thank goodness they figured out what was wrong. I'm sure you'll feel a lot better when it's taken care of.
    Way to go on giving up soda I know that's a really hard thing to do.
    Have a great week.
