Friday, November 19, 2010

Weigh In Week 8!

I am up 1.5lbs which is not too bad since its TOM this week! I have not done very good on exercising this week. I have to find a way to motivate myself to get up in the morning and go to the gym. I really want to start training for the 5K run I want to do in February of next year. I need to get this going. I am making a poster board to put on my wall for my progress and rewards. When I get it finished I will post a picture of it. I am ready for success! Last night before bed I wrote down my to do list for today and at the bottom I wrote "Focus on your goals and what you want to accomplish! Accept yourself and love who you are no matter what!"
I really do need to take my own advice and FOCUS on my long-term goals!
That's all for now,


  1. The poster board sounds like a good idea, I think I may make one as well. It is always easier to tell others what they should be doing and it's hard to follow our own advice, I think it is the way of the

  2. lol thank you for that helps me not feel so bad for not taking my own advice! lol
