Sunday, May 29, 2011

Spring Fever Challenge Week Nine!

Life's Journey with a Smile

New Balance 814
These will be here Tuesday! 

What have you done this past week to help achieve your goals?
haha funny question... ordered shoes online, will be here
Tuesday. That's about it. 

What did you do this past week to make you feel good about yourself?
Went swimming! I love the water.

What is your ultimate fitness goal in life?
To be as fit and healthy that I can be
and to be a personal trainer.

Do you have something you'd like to accomplish but think you can't?
Run a 5k, half marathon, marathon. I don't know if I can accomplish
any of these things.

Fun Question: Do you wear perfume/cologne? If so what kind?
Thinking of You by Mary Kay! 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

One Year Blogaversary!!!

I missed my one year blog anniversary!
It was February 26, 2011!
Of course I am very happy I have had this blog for over a year now.
However, I am disappointed that I still, roughly, weigh the same as I did when I started this supposed, weight LOSS blog!
Somethings have got to change!
Making this year a better year than last year and REALLY working for it!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Spring Fever Challenge Week EIGHT!!!

Life's Journey with a Smile

I aspire to be a person who never gives up!

1. What have you done this past week to help achieve your goals?
Bought new shoes...then returned them because I found a less
expensive pair that come in my size. Went to a party and did
really good about not over eating or drinking too much soda
or beer. I drank mostly water the whole time and I got a lot
of walking in this week/weekend. 

2. What did you do this past week to make you feel good about yourself?
Tried on a pair of jeans that I have not fit into for months and 
THEY FIT!!! I am so happy that they fit! Hopefully this will 
continue to happen with the upteenth pairs of jeans that are
in the floor of my closet that haven't fit in years...some of them
have never fit me! 

3. How do you measure success of your goals? 
Considering I haven't had much success recently I can only say what
I've used in the past...I use how my clothes fit differently and I 
also use the scale as a measurement of sucess. 

4. What is failure to you when it comes to goals?
Failure to me is not accomplishing what I KNOW I can accomplish!
It's making that conscious decision to not get up off my duff and
get it done! 

5. Fun Question: If you could hop on a plane right now, where would you go?
Cabo, Greece, England, Paris...umm any vacation!
Here's to week 8!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hubby Challenged Me!!!

My hubby and I have been talking about getting me a MYTRAK device the past week or so. Today we finally finished the conversation and he has issued a challenge that comes with a reward!
The challenge is one full month of activity with out the device and the reward is that if I do really good for a whole month than I can purchase the Mytrak device. The one month challenge starts May 23rd and goes through June 22nd. I am excited and I really want that Mytrak device! 
Wish me luck! 
And on another note, I will be ordering my new running shoes this coming Thursday! Once I have the proper shoes with good support I will be able to really get going on Couch to 5K! Also, I will be registering for the San Antonio Rock n' Roll Half Marathon that is in November! I am excited for that!!! We are still planning/saving for our vacation! I can't wait until July 14th! First vacation since our honeymoon almost 4 years ago! And bonus our Anniversary is July 7th so we will be celebrating during our vacation! Got a lovely tip from a family member yesterday, if you see the small fish jumping out of the water, there is a reason they are doing that...stay away from where they are! 
I have found my motivation again...FINALLY! Saturday we spent the day in Fredicksburg for my Daddy and my Uncle's (identical twins) birthday party! The party was at their gun club's shooting range...outside in May in TEXAS! It was hot and I was in jeans, tennis shoes, and a blouse. I was very uncomfortable, sweaty and just plain mad at myself for not being in a better place by now! I found myself not wanting my picture taken and that is not normal! I usually love being in pictures with my size has officially become uncomfortable to myself! I don't feel good in this plus size body anymore and even more so I felt like the biggest woman there. That is the first time/event that I have ever actually looked around to see if there was anyone bigger than me. I don't like this feeling and I want to be rid of it! The next time that someone has an event up there outside in the summer, I want to be able to wear shorts and a cute top and not feel self conscious about my size! I want to be able to talk to people and not have to wonder if they see the sweat on my forehead or under my arms! 
So here's to starting anew and getting it right this time(hopefully)!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Spring Fever Challenge Week Seven!

Life's Journey with a Smile


Goal 1: Lose 50 to 60 lbs.
Goal 2: Read the Bible in 90 Days.
Goal 3: Save $1000
Goal 4: Commit to spending 15 minutes of un-disturbed quiet time everyday.
Goal 5: Attend our evening sevice at church at least twice a month.

What have you done this past week to help achieve your goals?
1. I worked out twice this week which is better than all the weeks before considering
I hadn't done anything at all.
2. Actually can't find that bible right now, I think it's buried under all the stuff on
my desk. Need to get going on this one.
3. Working on it. We had some but then we had to pay a $300 ticket.
4. Check...We have both been doing this one before bed everynight. 
5. Nope not at all yet. We still have the last two sundays this month so there is still
a chance to get this for May.

What did you do this past week to make you feel good about yourself?
Worked out, ate salad 4 times and I have been trying to get to bed early.

When you go away on vacation or business do your goals get put on hold/pause or do you
 continue to work on them while away?
Attempt to continue them but don't concern myself to much with the foods I'm eating 
except to keep most of them healthy. But when you are eating out on vacay it's different 
than at home with your usual routine. I will see how well this goes this summer when we
go to the coast.

Do you have friends/family members that you work on a goal(s) with?
 Do you find working towards a goal with someone easier or more challenging?
My friend and I are both trying to lose for the vacation this summer. We try 
to keep each other motivated. And we are attemping to get together this week
to workout together. Family members are encouraging and check up on how I am doing.

Fun Question: What is your favorite magazine to read?
Shape magazine is my absolute favorite!
Excited for this week!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sunburns are awesome!

Um actually not really... but it's was inevitable...first of the season.
Yep that's what my shoulders and back look like! :(

Friday, May 13, 2011

Wow! Blogger fail yesterday.

So I see everybody has recovered from whatever Blogger snafu happened yesterday! I was going nuts not being able to read unless I used Reader which was annoying and I now know I don't like Reader. Anyway, we have a busy weekend ahead:
-Put together 8' by 10' dog "cage"(kennel) thing.
-Emma's 2nd bday party at four.
-Lots of cleaning and getting organized.

-Continuing Cleaning/organizing
-Visit with Steven's Aunt Clare in the afternoon (going to the park for exercise with the little one)
-Get ready for week 
-Go to bed early(by 10pm) dear God let it happen. 

So may not seem so busy to some people but for us this is pretty jam
I'm looking forward to it all except maybe the dog cage/kennel thing. Let ya'll know how that goes  tomorrow. Super excited to see what all this healthy eating has done for me on Sunday's weigh in. I have had salad 3 times this week...yeah I'm just as surprised as ya'll are! 
Oh and now we have a super AWESOME motivator to save money like no tomorrow...
Yippee!!! We are at least 8 months from actually buying but it sure is nice to be starting. 
Water is my best friend/nemesis right now. I love drinking it but dang it once I get behind it's really hard to catch up. 
Wish i was as excited about exercising as I am about the house!!! 
Anybody got any tips, encouragement or kicks in the booty for me???

Monday, May 9, 2011

Disappointed yet PROUD!

Hey everybody!
So this evening at about 7pm I decided to make today worth it's hours. 
I went out and did Couch to 5K Week 1 Run 1. I accomplished running the first 5 intervals and I walked most of the rest. My left calf/ankle was hurting quite a bit. I have broken my left foot 3 times in my life time and it is continuously swollen and weak. It causes problems with shoes, exercise and wearing cute dresses with cute sandals. 
I am disappointed that I could not complete the full set for today because of how out of shape I have let myself become again. 
I am also proud at the same time that I did it! I am happy to be able to say I DID IT!  I worked out for the first time since feels like hard work but it's worth it. Now I just have to keep doing it everyday until I get to where I want to be!
Super excited to try out Boot Camp Bikini Body DVD tomorrow!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Spring Fever Challenge Week Six!!!

Life's Journey with a Smile

The shoes I'm gonna get!!!

1. What have you done this past week to help achieve your goals?
I found my motivation and put a plan in motion to start getting healthy. Part of my plan is positive affirmation/"fake it til you make it". As soon as I finish my first run Monday morning I will be a runner and I will call myself one!

2. What did you do this past week to make you feel good about yourself?
Used my sugar skin feels amazing. I am almost out of it so I will be needing to get a new one soon, I want the White Citrus scent from Bath & Body Works, if they have it. I also went to the New Balance Store at the Quarry on Saturday and I finally found an AWESOME pair of RUNNING shoes that come in my size, 7 2E. I cannot wait to get them!

3. What goal are you having the most difficult time with? Do you have a plan to make it better?
All of them! Yes I do. I will be using organizational skills and better time management to achieve my goals. I can't wait to start Monday morning!

4. What goal are you rocking? Do you plan on keeping up the momentum?
It's a sub goal but I am rocking water consumption! And, Yes I plan on it!

5. Fun Question: What is your favorite board game?
I am super excited about this upcoming week! And FYI: I stayed the same this week for weigh in! No gain so that's good! I'm hoping for at least a 3lb loss next weigh in!

Friday, May 6, 2011

My Health, My Number 1 Priority...or at least it will be from now on.

I am so tired of being TIRED! And of making excuses for myself and why I am not working out and getting healthy! That ends today RIGHT NOW! I don't want to be the 24 year old sitting at a baseball game in jeans, instead of shorts, because of the size of her thighs. I don't want to be the girl who gets the chaffing on the inside of her thighs because of how much she sweats that her jeans rub her legs raw. I don't want to be the young fat mom that can't keep up with her kid! I WANT to be the young, healthy, fit mom who can wear shorts and not worry about chaffing and keep up with my very, very energetic 2 year old son!
I want to be healthy and I want to know what "runners high" is all about! 
So, here we go, who wants to come along with me?

Making the Time/Making Health a Priority
My new number one priority is to MAKE THE TIME to workout.
Getting healthy is PRIORITY NUMERO UNO! 
No more excuses...something has to change.
-Go to bed early, by 1030pm
-Wakeup early, by 630am
Making  my health, thus making myself, FIRST PRIORITY, will make everything better. 
I will be getting up and getting my workouts in early in the day, BEFORE my son wakes up. This has been my number one obstacle. A lot of the time if I don't get it in early in the morning time just gets away from me and I DON'T get it in. I have to do my workouts in the morning because of how energized I am after. If I do them at night I end up staying up super late. 
Of course there are many other things going into this plan, like, eating healthy, drinking water, not drinking soda, staying away from fast food, etc. 
I will be using a combination of Couch to 5K program, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD, Boot Camp Bikini Bod DVD, and I also have a Kettlebell DVD and set of kettlebells. Eventually, I will add the use of P90X to my DVD rotation. So, seems simple...i just have "JUST DO IT"!!!
Have a great weekend and Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms out there!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Weigh in Sunday... On Tuesday.

I pushed my weigh in from Sunday to Tuesday this week due to a few reasons:
1. My birthday was last Saturday, I had a few drinks.
2. I wasn't at home Sunday morning.
3. I have been dealing with Bronchitis and Pharyngitis since sometime last week. The bronchitis hit a low point on Monday morning when I woke up wheezing and made my hubby take me to the emergency room.
So, without further ado, I weighed in this morning at 251lbs, so -2lbs. 
Monday I was supposed to start my 30 Day Shred Off  with my friend. We postponed our start date until tomorrow due to my sickness. I am looking forward to the exercise.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring Fever Challenge Week Five!!!!

Life's Journey with a Smile

Sorry if some of my pics are blurry!

Hubby and I enjoying my birthday at the Missions Baseball Game.

What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals? 
Nada... except I accepted a Shred Off Challenge from a friend. 
We are starting our 30 Day Shred Off May 2nd using Jillian 
Michaels 30 Day shred DVD. I am excited!!!

What did you do this past week to make you feel good about yourself?
Saturday was my birthday. We dropped our son off to my mother in law
and went to a baseball game with some friends. We won 8 to 4!
 Left to right: Kelly, Christin, and Me at the Baseball game.
Left to right: My Daddy, Betty my step-mom, and Me at the Game. 

It's May! What were your victories in April? Challenges?
Victories...not so much, except we have started using CASH only. We do not use our debit cards and we have no credit cards. It helps me see how much something really costs when I use cash. It hurts more. I had motivation to eat healthier and make good choices in April.  Challenges... having absolutely no
motivation what so ever to workout. Need to find it!

Do you have any plans for the challenge in May?
Umm... yes.. my plan for May is to actually start working towards
my goals and get moving and saving every penny we can.

Fun Question: What is your favourite type of ethnic cuisine?
Mexican(only ethnic food i eat).
Have a good week everybody!