Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I'm Afraid!

 I am so afraid of what losing weight will do to my entire life that I am(was) sub consciously defeating myself. 
I am scared that I will fail. I'm afraid I won't recognize myself when I start losing. I don't want to lose who I am now just because I become un-fat. I have had so many "skinny" people be rude or mean to me and I don't want to turn into that. I want my personality and character to stay intact.
 Have any of you worried about your personality changing due to weight loss?
 Failure to me is a nasty word.  I don't want to fail myself or anyone else. 
I am already failing at weight loss by doing nothing. I guess in order to not be failing I have to actually do something. At least if I am working out and eating healthy I will be trying. 
I am done being afraid and worried about what weight loss will do or won't do for me.
I want to be healthy and yes, thin. I want to know what the size 8 pair of goal jeans I bought feel like and what it's like to shop anywhere I want. I want to know what being less than 200lbs feels like!
My new-ish plan:
Be active for a minimum of 45 minutes a day
Body weight strength train(until we get a gym membership)
Eat 3 meals, 2 snacks a day(1200 to 1500cals)
Drink 125 ounces of water daily
Document everything, meals, activity and water.
Was anybody else afraid when they started this journey?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Beat the Heat Summer Challenge Week Four!

Beat the Heat Challenge Week 4

Weight Wars

I don't have a picture this week. So sorry.

1. What have you done this week towards your goals?
Honestly, I haven't really done anything this week. I have been resting and re-cooperating from our vacation. Also, I have been re-hydrating and re-balancing my diet. We have both been getting back into our routines. Hubby was off from work for two weeks so we are both having some re-adjusting pains from his first week back to work.

2. What did you do to make yourself feel fabulous?
Slept... a lot!

3. Do you exercise? What is your favorite and why?
Let's see how should I answer this question....
I often intend to exercise more than I actually do exercise. I really need to get a routine down that works for me. When I do exercise, Cardio is my favorite or some type of boot camp class that incorporates cardio and strength training together.

4. BTH Bloggers, who do you love?
Mary @ a small loss. I found Mary's blog during the first challenge that Amy held in the winter. I love Mary's story and seeing what she has accomplished. Mary gives me hope that I can succeed at weight loss and make a better future for myself and my family.

5. What song makes you want to dance right now?
J.Lo "On the Floor" Britney Spears "Til the World Ends" and Zac Brown Band "Knee Deep" All really good songs and there are so many more I could list.
Here's to hoping I can find a routine soon!!!

Sunday Weigh In # 3

I weighed in this morning at 255lbs so a loss of 4.5lbs of vacation weight!
Yay! I only have 2.5 more pounds to go to get rid of the rest of the vacation weight. I am so happy for later this week so I can get running shoes that fit. I have bought and had to returned two pairs from Zappos.com. This time I am just getting the ones I should have kept in the first place from New Balance. I am hoping to lost at least the 2.5lbs I need to break even but secretly I want to lose enough to be out of the 250's. I am really ready to just get going on this weight loss thing. I want to be in wonderland by Christmas!
Here we go!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Beat the Heat Summer Challenge Week Three and Weigh In

Post Vacation Weigh In 259.5 lbs. A gain of 7 lbs. Not as bad as I expected but still way to close to my highest non preggers weight of 260. I'm drinking water and resetting this week. And now the Beat the Heat Post.

Weight Wars

Positive Picture
Hubby and I in Port A!!!

1. What have you done this week to work towards your goals?
This week was vacation week so I can't honestly say I did too much towards my goals however I tried a lot of new things while we were there. We went boogie boarding and did a lot of walking on the beach. It was a great time.
2. What have you done this week to make you feel fabulous?
Vacation=relaxation. It was great.
3. I wrote about gadgets this week (my fav one anyway), do you have any gadgets that help you to your goals or are you a low tech kinda person?
Low tech...the only "gadget" I use is MyFitnessPal.com. 
4. We are half way through the year, what have you achieved so far (in all aspects of life)? Becoming more organized and clean. Also eating much healthier and drinking more water. We have also stopped spending so much extra money.
5. Fun Question: Tell me one of your secrets to achieving goals and living a happy life.
Dedication and accountability.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Home from Vacation!

Home from Port Aransas. Had a wonderful vacation. Post vacation weigh in coming tomorrow. Since we have been home I have had an overwhelming craving for water almost an insatiable thirst. I am sucking down the water like somebody's holding a gun to my head. I found out on the vacation that I love seafood. Fish, shrimp, crab, lobster, grilled, fried :(, steamed all of it was amazingly delish!!!! I had a wonderful time and only suffered a small amount of sun burn. 
Weigh in tomorrow.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Beat the Heat Summer Challenge Week Two!

Weight Wars

Beat The Heat Summer Challenge Week Two

My Goals:
1. Read my Bible in 90 Days.
2. Lose 30 to 50 pounds.
3. Take vitamins daily.
4. Drink at least 100 ounces of water daily. 
5. Start training for a Half Marathon.
6a. Save up a Baby Emergency Fund: $1000. 
6b. Pay off Debt

1. What progress have you made on your goals this week? 
Goal 1: Nada
Goal 2: I haven’t had any pre planned work outs but I did clean house and move around two bedrooms worth of heavy, bulky furniture.
Goal 3: I took them 1/7 days…needs work.
Goal 4: I think I got close on Monday and Tuesday…also needs work.
Goal 5: Would have ordered new Brooks Running Shoes but we had some fraudulent charges on our account.
6a&b: Refer to fraudulent charges.

2. What did you do to make yourself feel fabulous?
May sound weird but I cleaned house and got rid of a lot of clothes and also packed up our stuff for our vacation. Getting rid of stuff and organizing is very cleansing for me and makes me feel refreshed.

3. Did you have a moment in your life where everything changed for you, an epiphany moment, or has it happened gradually?
My epiphany moment was when my grandmother was put into the hospital because of stroke like symptoms…then we found out all the health problems were because of lack of exercise and oxygen to the brain.

4. What made you get involved with the Beat The Heat challenge? 
I have done all the previous challenges…just made since to keep going.

5. What is your favorite TV Show at the moment?
Currently on the TV…Burn Notice. I don’t watch it weekly I wait for the seasons to come out on DVD. I love That 70’s Show on Netflix.

I won’t be around too much this week IT’S FINALLY VACATION WEEK!!!
I will be enjoying the beach!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Beat the Heat Summer Challenge Week One


Beat the Heat Summer Challenge Week One

1.       What are your goals for the 10-week challenge?
1. Read my Bible in 90 Days.
2. Lose 30 to 50 pounds.
3. Take vitamins daily.
4. Drink at least 100 ounces of water daily. 
5. Start training for a Half Marathon.
6a. Save up a Baby Emergency Fund: $1000. 
6b. Pay off Debt.

2.       Why did you pick those goals? What makes them important right now?
I chose these goals because they are all important to me at this stage in my life. Reading my bible is important to my spiritual life and to my relationship with Jesus Christ. Losing 30 to 50lbs would be wonderful for my weight loss journey and it would give me the confidence to keep going. Also, I would be very close to onederland. I need to be taking my vitamins because I know I feel so much better when I do and I have more energy. The water is pretty self explanatory because we all need water to live and I definitely feel so much better and lighter when I am drinking enough water every day. I am going to be training for a half marathon that will take place in November. I want to be a RUNNER so much I can taste it!!! My husband and I have been Dave Ramsey fans since before we were married and we really need to get going on the baby steps. Baby step one is a thousand-dollar baby emergency fund. Baby step two is the Debt Snowball. We have paid of quite a bit of debt so far and we will be ecstatic to have more paid off. I only chose six goals because more than that and I don’t put enough time into any of them. Hopefully I can handle six!

3.       What’s your biggest excuse reason for not doing something and how are you going to stop it getting in the way?
My biggest excuse is laziness and I just have to find my motivation and drive on a daily basis. I will remind myself of my long-term goals and why I am discipling myself to accomplish these things.

4.       Are you a planner or do you go with the flow?
Planner. I plan pretty much everything right down to what I will do on a daily basis. 

5.       Fun thing Tell us something that will help us get to know you. Like things you like or a silly story or about your family.
I like country music, dancing, singing, shopping and puppies. My favorite singer right now is Miranda Lambert.
Good luck fellow challengers.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday Weigh In

I weighed in this morning at 252.5 which according to my fitness pal is a gain of 1.5 lbs. 
I hadn't weighed in since the beginning of June so only gaining 1.5lbs over a whole month of time is not something to go crazy over. I am just really glad that the numbers are back down from where they were earlier this week. One time this week I weighed and the scale said 256.5(i almost screamed) and that scared me because the highest weight I have been is 260-ish and I refuse to see that number again. Looking forward to a week of cleaning, working out, moving furniture around and getting organized. That all starts on Tuesday after we have a 4th of july celebration on Monday at hubby's aunts house. I am so excited for the next two weeks. Hubby is off from work for the whole two weeks. The second week is our vacation to the beach. I am looking forward to getting everything cleaned up and packed up for the trip. Can't WAIT to be on the BEACH!!! 
P.S. Our 4th wedding anniversary is this coming Thursday 07/07/11!